Ditching Diets Together

I'm so excited to share program with you! This is for women over 40 that want to find their true, authentic health!

What would you do if you made choices for your health out of kindness?

I've learned from working with hundreds of women like you, that we have a deep-seated desire to be happy and healthy and more grounded.

My inbox floods with questions about weight loss, how to heal digestion, what supplements to take and how to be "consistent".

And it is times 100 when we turn to the topic of perimenopause or what happens after we turn 40!

There is an obvious need for more.

So what is it? Here is what you need to know.

Freedom After 40 is a 3-month long program that will give you a step-by-step process and roadmap coupled with coaching to help you find your version of health.

If you are struggling with:

  • Feeling disconnected from your body
  • Struggle with binge eating
  • Find yourself turning to resets, cleanses or clean eating protocols
  • Analyze and obsess over calories on the menu to make sure it fits in your new "plan"
  • Feeling "out of control" around food or having uncontrollable cravings
  • Have to turn down invites to social events because you feel disgusted with yourself
  • Feeling like you lack willpower or discipline
  • Feeling like you are constantly "falling off the wagon"
  • Spend hours in the bathroom looking in the mirror obsessing over your thighs or stomach and you just want to be smaller

The bottom line: You don't need to diet to be healthy and to feel grounded and good in your body.

Is it time for a fresh take on health?

I'm welcoming you to learn how to eat intuitively, understand your body cues, and practice better body image. I'll be with you every step of the way to bring you coaching, education, and inspire you to take the tools and find your unique version of health.

The Freedom After 40 Program is designed to heal your relationship with food and your body in perimenopause and beyond by teaching you the science behind what is happening at this stage of life, how your metabolism is affected, and how you can learn to utilize gentle nutrition and movement to maximize your hormonal health!

This program includes a unique, hands-on coaching experience with Wendie Taylor, Registered Dietitian. You will learn how to feel confident with your food choices and body using simple methods to help you tun back in to your unique body signals.

The program is broken down into these components
➡️ Rewiring your Mind
➡️ Releasing Food Rules
➡️ Tuning in to Body Signals
➡️ Nutrition and Metabolism
➡️ Body Image and Movement

You will learn how to eat to feel great and have energy, stress-less about food, and focus on what matters most in life!

Let's get started!

Your Instructor

Wendie Taylor, MBA. RDN
Wendie Taylor, MBA. RDN

Welcome, I'm Wendie- a dietitian with over 20 years of experience helping women with gut health, hormones, and balancing blood sugars! Also, I am a woman like you IN perimenopause, so I know your frustrations --this is why I'm here to help!

I learned a long time ago that it wasn't about meal plans or detoxes.

I now know that discriminating someone for their weight is so much more harmful than eating a french fry.

I've learned that its less about the food, and more about what happens in your mind.

After reading a book called Intuitive Eating, I began to research its principles, and I began to realize that all the years I had been giving my clients meal plans or my reset books, I had been leading my clients down the wrong path!

The path to diet culture.

I realized it wasn't about diets and control, but about self-care.

It is my mission to help you break free from your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from everything you were created for!


Ditching Diets Together

"The best part of being a Food Freedom Fighter is definitely being able to enjoy food more fully without guilt, counting, weighing, or logging into an app. It seems to be a common misconception that intuitive eating will lead you to just eating pizza, ice cream, and cookies. But what really happens is that when you choose to eat any food you're actually able to find pleasure in eating and savor them rather than feeling guilty about it. It's nice to not be able to obsess about food or feel like it rules all of my thoughts anymore. The first time I was able to eat something and enjoy it without guilt was amazing!! And it didn't cause me to eat more. It just led me to think, "I've been missing out on this for all these years!" -Laura from South Carolina

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  BONUS: Meditations
Available in days
days after you enroll

Even though my life has been chaotic with all my to-do’s, I am so thankful for this journey this past year with Wendie. I have a new motivation and focus. As I was writing in my journal, I can’t believe I have gotten to a place where my goals were not to lose weight, change my body shape, or burn a certain amount of calories. They have become instead about strength, reducing my stress load, and work on my sleep habits. THANK YOU LADY!!!

It’s crazy to think so much of what I did was because I was motivated by guilt and shame, changing my body, and approval of others. I’m not perfect, and I still struggle with my thoughts, but my new motivation comes from a place of self-care. I’m doing what I can, and not beating myself up. I now see warning signs and I stop and think about what I am doing to create a positive or negative space.

When I stop and think about how far I’ve come, I still can’t believe I would be doing this well. I’m so thankful to Wendie for all the things she has helped me with. I had to do the work, but without her guidance and support, I would not have been able to overcome my food and body struggles alone. She came alongside me and she is changing lives (its true!!)

- Emily Elwell, Baltimore, MD


Ditching Diets Together

Wendie's program has really made an impact on my life. Knowing that I am on the right path and being able to let go of the shame, guilt, control, and all of the addictive-type thinking I have related to food is already such a weight off my shoulders. It is helping me stop treating myself badly and freeing up a lot of emotional space in my life already. So thank you, I am really grateful.

-Melissa, Alberta, Canada

So here I go- it's time for my annual with my PCP tomorrow. I always hated going to the doctor and would starve myself. I would always avoid labs, and anxiety over being weighed and having my blood pressure taken led to white coat syndrome.

This time, though, I am going in with Confidence and I'm ready to explain what I have learned in this program, which in my case was exactly what I needed to heal years worth of wounds. Who knows what the scale will say, but I am finally able to tell my PCP that what I am doing is working for me to be healthy at my size (or whatever happens when the true consistency of self love falls into place). Much love to this fabulous group of women!!

-Alexandra from South Carolina

I'm so excited you are here!

I want to close with this. Know that you don't have to let the scale determine your happiness, what you eat, or how you should exercise. You don't need to feel like you have to start over every Monday.

I've been in your shoes so I know what its like to have thoughts about controlling foods and exercise. I know this work can be overwhelming and heavy at times, especially if you are doing it alone. It goes against the culture around us which is hard to do so I want to cut through all the BS and give you the truth so you gain a CLARITY and CONFIDENCE around your food choices. Oh, not to mention, the self-care and stress-management techniques that we all could use more of!

So I'd be so tickled if you choose to dive in and work on healing your relationship with food and your body with us!

Don't you think it's time to put yourself first and take the leap to find health without obsession? Don't want to stop thinking about keto, weight watchers, or another round of Whole 30? If restriction hasn't worked...why not try something different this year? It's time to eat happy and find food confidence.

With love and gratitude,