Discover the Path to Hormonal Harmony in Perimenopause!

Let's tackle those Perimenopausal Symptoms Together!

In the midst of perimenopause, it's common to experience a range of symptoms that can leave you feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from your body. I get it, and you are not alone in this journey!

Maybe you are experiencing:

  • Weight gain: I know this might feel like an uphill battle due to hormonal fluctuations and metabolic shifts. Fear not- I help women learn to focus on health behaviors that support your body and metabolism without restriction.
  • Hot flashes: These sudden waves of heat can disrupt your life and leave you feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable. We will explore dietary modifications and lifestyle practices that can help reduce hot flashes.
  • Change in Bowel Habits: Dealing with irregular bowel movements? Bloated? Hormonal fluctuations can definitely impact gut health and leave you feeling out of balance. Learning how to use this method will help you support your gut and hormones.
  • Brain Fog: Struggling with forgetfulness? Finding it hard to focus? Peri can also affect your cognitive function. Together, we will explore nutrient-rich foods that can support your brain health and boost mental clarity.
  • Lack of Energy: Feeling drained? Hormonal fluctuations can impact your energy levels, leaving you feeling fatigued. When we learn to eat consistently using the Shape Your Plate Method for most meals (this isn't about perfectionism!) you will regain that spring in your step!

Are you ready to say goodbye to strict diets, counting calories or macros, and feeling overwhelmed by what you should be doing?

The Shape Your Plate Method is here to empower you with a simpler, more intuitive approach to nourishment.

Here is how the Shape Your Plate Method will help you find balance and reclaim your health and well-being:

  1. Gentle Nutrition Made Easy: say goodbye to complicated diets and rules and hello to a more relaxed way of eating. With the Shape Your Plate Method, we will focus on gentle. nutrition that will prioritize a balance of macronutrients, fiber, and foods that satisfy you so that you get the nourishment your body is craving.
  2. Intuitive Meal Planning: Discover the power of meal planning without it feeling like a chore. You will receive the tools that will help guide you to put together meals that are practical and enjoyable.
  3. Hormone-Supportive: Explore foods and put together meals that will balance blood sugar and support hormonal harmony so you can make informed choices when it comes to your plate.

Your Instructor

Wendie Taylor, MBA. RDN
Wendie Taylor, MBA. RDN

Welcome, I'm Wendie- a dietitian with over 20 years of experience helping women with gut health, hormones, and balancing blood sugars! Also, I am a woman like you IN perimenopause, so I know your frustrations --this is why I'm here to help!

I learned a long time ago that it wasn't about meal plans or detoxes.

I now know that discriminating someone for their weight is so much more harmful than eating a french fry.

I've learned that its less about the food, and more about what happens in your mind.

After reading a book called Intuitive Eating, I began to research its principles, and I began to realize that all the years I had been giving my clients meal plans or my reset books, I had been leading my clients down the wrong path!

The path to diet culture.

I realized it wasn't about diets and control, but about self-care.

It is my mission to help you break free from your limiting beliefs that are holding you back from everything you were created for!

Course Curriculum

  Module 1: Welcome--start here!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: How to Get off the Diet-Binge Cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Create Meals Using the SHAPE Your Plate Method
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Nutrition Priorities in Perimenopause
Available in days
days after you enroll

"I didn't have mood swings this week, I'm less tired and have more energy. I'm feeling hopeful for change based on my hunger signals coming back!"

- Chrissy, KS

"Using the Shape Your Plate Method got me back to consistent good eating. These are easy, doable things put to use even with my busy schedule!"

- Dawn, SC

I'm so excited you are here!

I want to close with this. Know that you don't have to let the scale determine your happiness, what you eat, or how you should exercise. You don't need to feel like you have to start over every Monday. Our bodies are complex and each person is unique.

I know meals and meal planning can be overwhelming when there is so much information out there. I want you to have a CLARITY and CONFIDENCE and TRUST around your food choices.

If you have no idea where to start with food- I'm here to help.

When you avoid entire food groups (yes, even carbs), this sets you up to be stuck in that restriction/binge cycle. It's time to find that balance and harmony so we can make our next 40 years, our BEST 40 years!

With love and gratitude,

Get started now!